
Saturday, June 28, 2014

RipMe: Download Imgur, Instagram, tumblr albums with a click

Remember the old ripArchives? Well, the site got terminated a while ago, and even though a lot of alternatives appeared, none was everlasting. But this was for the best, I guess, because a little application appeared to fill the void, RipMe. (Here’s the download link, and here’s a mirror just in case)



Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Disabel SourceForge Downloader


If you’ve used SourceForge lately, you may have noticed how all programs are now being installed using a downloader that, as all downloaders, is full of adwares. The good part is that SourceForge at least allows you to disable this.


And that’s it. Just remember to disable it if you’re not in your PC or if you delete your cookies.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Doubleagent, the Neutral Pandaren Shaman hits Level 90!

An old news, but awesome nonetheless. Two days ago, Doubleagent, a neutral Pandaren player of World of Warcraft hit top level, 90, without leaving the starting area.


This is something incredible and actually pretty awesome to do, and a huge time waster. He spent around 4164 hours playing to achieve that, which is 173.5 days, which is 5.7 months playing the game non-stop 24/7... is still incredible.

Anyway, here’s the official post in the forum and the official reddit thread.

YouTube is now adjusting the videos to the size of your screen

A small adjustment that went unnoticed, if you click the Theater mode to make the video bigger, YouTube will automatically resize it to fit a bigger part of your screen.


Although this is a really small change, it’s very useful and quite necessary. Also, if you have a fast Internet connection, you probably won’t notice it, but a lot of use do notice it, and because of that, thanks, YouTube.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Add the World Cup Brazil 2014 calendar to Google Calendar

Although I don’t use Google Calendar at all, many people with a busy schedule do, and if you’re local calendar is synced with Google’s, there is an easy way to add the world cup calendar of games to it.

Games calendar

Go to Google Calendar, in the “Other calendars” section, click on the arrow and then on “Add by URL”.

Google Calendar

Now copy and paste this address:


Google Calendar

And you’re done. You should get all the games now on your calendar. The only thing is that the results are not shown here, just a minor set back.

YSK Google has a calendar for the games of Brazil 2014

Mobile apps, web services, little calendars, bars... There are a lot of things that you use to keep track of this World Cup that weren’t there on 2010. Well, in case you just want to know the games quickly as possible, just Google “Brazil 2014” and Google will provide.

World Cup Calendar

Monday, June 16, 2014

Autoparts translation: English/Spanish

This is one of the most useful pieces of information I’ve found in the Internet so far, or at least useful to the regular user. Being someone who speaks Spanish but most of his searches are in English, this have being helpful a lot of times, and if I found it useful, someone will too.


There are a little over 550 different words, and few of these are:

crankshaft = cigüeñal
engine block = bloque del motor
exhaust manifold = válvula de escape
flywheel = volante
fuel injector = inyector
banda de tiempo = timing belt
Banda Multiple = Serpentine Belt
biela = piston rod
bloque del motor = engine block
bujía = spark plug
odometer, trip = odómetro
speedometer = velocímetro
tachometer = tacómetro
temperature gage = indicador temperatura
turn signal indicator = direccionales

Link | Yucalandia

YSK How to see your reddit list of Friends

reddit is an awesome place, and mostly is very user friendly, except for searches and friend-customization actions. Not that the latter is necessary, but in case you want to clean your /r/friends, just go to https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/friends.

reddit friends

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tesla Motors Now Offering Their Patents for Free

This is one of the most amazing news we’ll be getting this year; Tesla Motors, the guys behind the Tesla Model S, announced today that all their patents for their technology will be free to grab by anyone with the title “All our patent are belong to you”.

With this they (we) hope to get a complete revolution in the automotive industry from the actual almost total use of gasoline to electric, reducing the production of CO2 and avoiding our practically doomed future.

But anyway, if you don’t even care about that, at least check this awesome comic by The Oatmeal.


GameBoy Advance Emulator for Windows 7+

I’m not too fond to use emulators, I prefer a lot play the game in the console, but sometimes there is no other choice, so after a quick search and tryouts, I found the one emulator that works 100% in Windows 7/8 100% and without any problem, VBA-M.


VBA-M (VisualBoyAdvance-M) is a very cool emulator that I found and the main reason I talk about it is because of his compatibility with the latest Windows OS (32 and 64 bits), and because you can speed up the game with a key.


Thanks to this, I ended three pokemon games in two days. Also, you can resize the window, which weirdly, is not that common in the emulator’s world.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Live Nintendo Stream at E3 2014

E3 started yesterday, and I didn’t post a stream because I was late for all presentations, but finally I’m in time! And Nintendo is hosting a Stream on YouTube (which is WAY more stable than Twitch) and here it is!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Mirror’s Edge: E3 2014

Today began the E3 of 2014, and between all the amazing announcements and presentations, there is one that I was waiting for... and wasn’t disappointed: Mirror’s Edge... at least a preview of what’s coming.

Create corrupted text using Zalgo

One of the most common and useless things on the Internet is corrupted texts, everyone hate them, including me, but then again, curiosity killed the cat.

Corrupted Text

One easy tool to use is Zalgo Text Generator, just copy and paste the text that appears in the text box you want to use it. But keep in mind that Facebook limits the size of the text, and it won’t appear complete.

Corrupted text

YSK how to make Facebook show Most Recent stories instead of top stories

Yeah, long title, but it’s a short post to compensate. Well, although Facebook is now remembering your sorting choice, sometimes it changes and many people can’t find a way to get Most Recent again.

The most common way is this one... Actually, is kinda the only one.


Although, if you want a better and inmediate way, you can just bookmark this link:



Thursday, June 5, 2014

YSK how to Block Skype Ads

I rarely use Skype, and by “rarely”, I mean “never”. But a lot of people do, and when I was looking something about some ads, I instantly saw them:


There are two kind of ads; the first one are promotions and “help improving” ads, the second are the ones like the one above. Here’s how to block/disable both.

For the first one Tools > Options > Notifications > Alerts & Messages. Disable both options.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

YSK how to use the old Google Maps

In case your PC can use the new Google Maps at full speed, there is a simple way to use the old one again.

Just use this link:


Google Maps

Monday, June 2, 2014

Temporarily Fix Imgur’s DNS issues

If you’re a Imgur user, you may have realized that lately the site is not loading correctly due to some issues between Imgur and OpenDNS, causing that the browser identify the scripts as insecure and not loading them by default.

Imgur issues

A way to fix this temporarily for the page that you’re looking at the moment is going to the address bar and click on the gray shield and clicking Load unsafe script.

Imgur issue.

And for Firefox users, the same procedure.

Imgur Issue

Of course, this fix it’s only until the problem gets solved.